Code of Conduct

All in attendance must:

- Remember the aim of scootering is to enjoy the sport and develop riding skills.

- Not get involved in inappropriate peer pressure and push others into some thing they do not want to do.

- Junior members must keep within the defined boundary of the venue (unless accompanied by a parent / guardian).

- Behave and listen to all instructions from the Team Managers, Officials, Coaches, Organisers and any other representative of ScootGB.

- Take care of equipment and facilities.

- Must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all competitors/members/ staff regardless of age, gender, ability, race, religious beliefs or sexual identity.

- Refrain from the use of bad language.

- Refrain from bullying or persistent use of rough and dangerous play.

- Act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others.

- Junior members are not allowed to smoke at the venue.

- Junior members are not allowed to purchase or consume alcohol or drugs of any kind or throughout the duration of the competition / training.

- Never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour.

- Keep themselves safe.

- Report inappropriate behaviour or risky situations.

- Respect officials and accept decisions.

- Show appropriate loyalty and be gracious in defeat.

- Respect opponents.

- Not use violence.

CODE OF CONDUCT FOR PARENTS/PEOPLE WITH PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Of a child at a Scoot Sport GB Competition/Training/Social Event: 

- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every competitor, coach, official and others involved in scootering and treat everyone equally.

- Cooperate fully with others involved in the sport such as coaches, team managers, and representatives Scootering in the best interests of the riders.

- Consistently promote positive aspects of the sport such as fair play and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited or age inappropriate substances.

- Do not argue with officials and publicly accept their decisions.

- Know exactly where your child is and who they will be with at all times Never make assumptions about your child’s safety.

- Act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others.

- Avoid swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical and sexual abuse.

- Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others.

- Encourage your child to learn the rules of Scoot GB and behave within them.

- Be aware that your attitude and behaviour directly affects the behaviour of your child and other young athletes.

- Never punish or make fun of a child for poor performances or making mistakes.

- Set a good example by recognising sportsmanship and applauding good performances by all.

- Avoid destructive behaviour and leave venues as you find them.

- Never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour.

- Not carry or consume alcohol to excess.

- Not carry or consume illegal substances.

- Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy scooting.

Please note Scoot Sport GB adopts a no tolerance approach to smoking, consumption of alcohol, illegal substances or any other illegal behaviour by members.

Organisers reserve the right to remove members from the venue who are in breach of this. Instances of this nature will be reported to the Board of Directors of Scoot Sport GB which may lead to member suspension.


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